ACME AC52244 - Pers.wg.UIC-X Bm234 2nd Kl. DB
Manufacturer: | ACME |
Item number: | AC52244 |
number of pieces: | 1 piece |
track: | H0 |
scale: | 1:87 |
Railway company: | DB |
country: | EN |
epoch: | IV |
Wheel set replacement: | possible (101AC) |
AC wheelset: | 101AC / 101ACSET |
Electricity system: | DC |
operation mode: | DC analogue |
Length over buffers: | 303mm |
Minimum radius: | 358mm |
coupling: | NEM 362 shaft with KK kinematics |
Interior decoration: | equipped with interior furnishings |
Interior lighting: | Model prepared for interior lighting |
Age recommendation: | 14 years and older |