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New products and pre-order 2025

Due to the conversion of our IT system, we are currently unable to display the new items as products in our shop, which is why you will find our pre-order prices as a list for the respective manufacturers on this page.

Of course we are happy to accept pre-orders and create them for you in our system, you are welcome to create a customer account and send us an e-mail with your customer number to or call us. 

Here you can find our pre-order prices:

PIKO: Neuheiten_PIKO_2025

Roco: Neuheiten_2025_Preise

Fleischmann: Fleischmann_Neuheiten_2025_Preise

Rietze: Rietze_NH25_3-4_Preisliste

Hornby: Hornby_2025_Preise

Brawa: Preisliste_Brawa_2025

Brawa Prospekt: BRAWA_Neuheiten2025

Liliput Katalog:LILIPUT_Neuheiten_2025

Liliput Preisliste: Preisliste-Neuheiten

ESU Neuheiten-Prospekt: Gesamtkatalog_2025

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